Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF
Earlier this month I was asked to create a customized box to help promote UNICEF's Create-a-Character contest. For some reason, I had been craving a good flamingo-inspired craft session, so it was an easy decision - I was going to turn this white box into a bright pink flamingo!I had a lot of fun with this little assignment. I used silk flower petals for the body, brown pipe cleaners for the legs and tissue paper for the head (to keep it light and upright). It would be pretty easy to take this to the next level and create a kid's costume by using these materials. Scroll below to check out the finished project.Before:After:
Don't forget to donate to UNICEF this Halloween! The money raised helps UNICEF provide clean water, nutrition, education and more to millions of kids in need around the world. More info can be found HERE.