Flower Cupcakes for Spring
It certainly feels like spring in LA, so I thought I would post a look at some flower cupcakes I recently made that also certainly feel like spring! My incredibly talented friend, Yasmine, was hosting one of her semi-annual flower popups at Individual Medley in Atwater over Valentine's Day. Her birthday happens to fall on Valentine's Day, so I obviously had to deliver some cupcakes to her at the popup. I was going to deliver plain cupcakes originally, but at the last minute (just a couple hours before I visited her), I decided to make them flower cupcakes. I wish I would've come to that obvious decision ahead of time, but oh well! I took inspiration for the flower colors from an arrangement of hers that she was using as inspiration for the popup (you'll notice an incredible painted version of that arrangement in the pics below, which was painted by Michael Harnish). Just look at all this beauty, I don't think there could me a more beautiful and photogenic popup (or florist, for that matter). I didn't photograph the cupcakes before the delivery, so please excuse the glamorous plastic clamshell below. I hope these photos of flowers and cupcakes get you excited for all the spring beauty that is going to bloom soon! I'm thinking of making a video or hosting a workshop for some spring flower cupcakes, so stay tuned on that!!